Hi, My Name is Angie

I have many interests from baking to knitting to playing the flute to relaxing with my dogs. I love my job as a Children’s Librarian and my place in my world creating and inspiring along the way. I like to keep record of things in my life and blogging is the easiest way for me to this. I often refer friends to my blog for a recipe or a knitting pattern. I really enjoy reminicising over the archives of my life. Kind of like looking through a photo album with the added bonus of stories to go along with almost everything. I have a terrible memory and blogging helps me to overcome the fear that I will forget something important.

My tag line  library girl, knitting ninja, and lover of dogs sums up my loves but I have a hard time organizing all of my interests into cohesive blog. I feel like my blog is very scattered. I hope to find a sense of organizations as well as a chance to become a better writer. I have always enjoyed writing but time elludes me and life gets in the way. I hope to make blogging a daily routine.

I hope to connect with new friends with similar interests as well as those with new ideas. I can see my blog becomming a place friends will share, inspire, and enjoy.IMG_6428.PNG