Asparagus Quiche…


This light asparagus quiche makes an elegant late lunch or dinner dish and is the perfect way to spotlight the humble spear.


For the pastry:
1½ cups all-purpose flour
pinch of sea salt
3 tbsp cold lard or vegetable shortening, diced
3 tbsp cold butter, diced
2 tbsp cold water

For the filling:
8oz (175g) asparagus
a little olive oil
4oz (115g) cream cheese, cut into pieces, at room temperature
2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup shredded, aged Cheddar cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup half-and-half


1. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Add lard and butter and rub in with the fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Mix in cold water to form a firm dough. Knead on a lightly floured surface. Roll out and use to line an 8in (20cm) tart pan with removable bottom, set on a baking sheet…

View original post 171 more words

Flute PlayIn with the Philadelphia Orchestra

This was the most amazing and exciting experience I have had as a new flute player. I have been taking lessons with a wonderful teacher for the past year and was given the opportunity to participate in the first PlayIN for flute at the Kimmel Center. We had 7 pieces of music to learn and perform with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra. As a lover of the flute it doesn’t get much better than this.

Furry Baby Friday

booboo sickieHappy Friday kids! My booboo in this photo is down in the dumps. She has been itching her skin like crazy and we gave her medicine to help calm down her hot spots. We gave her a small fraction of what is recommended because she is so sensitive. Poor think was out in the freezing rain last night getting sick. This morning she is a tad grumpy, rightfully so, but she still takes a beautiful photo.  Feel better booboo.

If you would ike to join in the Furry Baby Fun add a link to a photo of your furry baby in the comments. All furry friends welcome 🙂

Back on the Cash Wagon

IMG_7084 FullSizeRender

I created these envelopes to get myself back on track and following my cash only budget plan. The first photo shows a bank envelope and two that I made. I like the envelopes that I get at my bank but they are boring. I took apart a bank envelope and traced it onto thick scrapbook paper. I cut it out and folded it. The only glue needed for these envelopes is the tab across the bottom. You can see the flaps a little easier in the close up shot of my Christmas gift envelope. There is a slot for cash and also an extra flap that you can tuck your receipts into.  I do not record all of my spending but I like to keep track of my receipts so I can see what I am spending my money on and see where I can cut back when I need to save more.

This is the budget that I try to stick too every two weeks. I get paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month. Each time I get paid I withdraw $400 and divide it up as follows:

week #1 gas and groceries $100

week #1 flexible spending $100

week #2 gas and groceries $100

week #2 flexible spending $100

Christmas: anything extra

I don’t like to carry around a lot of cash so I only carry the current week’s envelopes with me.

Ideally when I’m out of cash, Im done. If I am careful this usually works. The past three times I got paid I did not pull out the cash and I thought I could follow my budget using my debit card, how wrong I was! I ended up getting charged three different times from my bank for overdrawing my account. I had to pay a total of $90. The sad thing is that I had the money, just in a different account. So I am back to the cash system. It has worked for me since July (5 months). I am obviously not ready for a debit card.

I will make a few more of my own envelopes and just change them out when they wear out or I get tired of them.

Please share any of your budgeting tips. We can all use new ideas. ❤


The Owl Sweater Has Been Adopted

IMG_7093I finally finished the Owl Sweater and I am very happy with it. This sweater was designed to be a fitted sweater and I don’t like anything too tight so I made some alterations to the pattern and I didn’t do the darts. The sweater ended up with a boxy shape and I liked it. I thought the sweater fit nicely but it was very long.  I hadn’t planned on that happening and I was stumped. See the post Owl Sweater for the link to the pattern.

The other issue is that even though I soaked the sweater in vinegar and later in hair conditioner, it was still too itchy for me. There is a joke in my family that I am so sensitive that I am the princess and the pea. Yeah, that’s pretty much me. What can I do? I have sensitive skin. Mom was at my house today and I showed her the sweater and she asked if I was being a princess, yeah probably so. I insisted she try it on and tell me its not itchy. She tried it on and loved it. She agreed it was a little itchy but it didn’t bother her.I gave  her the sweater, se was so excited. I know myself pretty well and I know that I will never wear it if it is the least bit itchy. Honestly, it looks cuter on her than me. It fits her like a sweater dress and looks adorable with leggins. Mom isn’t sure she wants to add the eyes. (Each owl should get 2 small buttons for eyes).  She loves it and I told her it was her early Christmas present ❤

Mommy got the sweater.

Mommy got the sweater.

Furry Baby Friday

A story of Maggie (black, alpha, age 13) Marry Grace (black, submissive, age 9), and Millie (spotted puppy, age 2) told in photos and captions.

mary and millie

Hi spotty Millie. Nice to smell you.

save me

Oh *%#$ Millie you are a little to friendly and spunky for me. (Mary Grace hides behind papi)

maggie and millie

Maggie is the alpha dog and teaches Millie she is a little too playful for this old girl. ( Millie is 2 Maggie is 13) A few growls later, they worked it out.

mary hiding

Mary Grade is terrified under the dininig room table.

millie sleeping

Puppy Millie blissfully asleep on the couch.

Maggie is too disgusted with all of the silliness to sit still for a photo. She is sulking in the corner.

If you would like to join in the fun please share a link to your furry baby in the comments. We don’t discriminate, all furry babies are welcome. I will post a round-up next Friday.

This week’s Round-Up includes our friend Ajax. Who doesn’t love a pile of stinky laundry? ❤ Thanks Ellen at projecteasier  for this adorable addition.

ajax laundry